
Current Travel Information

 Current Travel Information (changes possible):

 COVID-19 tests and entry declarations

 The A-ROSA Safety First Concept: an overview

Wishing you a wonderful holiday!

We look forward to once again setting sail together with you on the most beautiful rivers and natural landscapes in Europe.

At A-ROSA, the health, safety and well-being of all guests and crew members is always our top priority. For this reason, our A-ROSA Care Team has developed a comprehensive health and hygiene concept based on the official directives and recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute, which meets national and international health standards. This concept worked successfully during the 2020 season and has been adapted to the current conditions and regulations for the 2021 season.

We closely follow current developments and recommendations and are in regular contact with the port and health authorities. Decisions are always made based on these assessments, the official directives of authorities as well as the travel advice of the German Foreign Office according to the motto ‘Safety First’.

Of course, it is possible to sail safely and also have a great time whilst on holiday. You can enjoy our usual friendly service, plenty of relaxation and a great atmosphere on board. Our crew is passionate about creating a wonderful, carefree holiday for you on board.